1. School activities . . in USA . . Volleyball and basketball games . . some football . . and maybe a couple of the girls will be cheerleaders and we can feature them some . . (5 to 10 minutes from each school)
2. The school . . have a tour with different announcers for each section . . for Sycamore we could do the cafeteria, the gym, the library, the hall, and outside . . (5 to 10 minutes from each school)
3. Groups with subjects they are comfortable talking about . . with current events worked in . . and announcers giving highlights about individuals . . (looking for 12 to 15 minutes from each school here . . )
4. Highlights of school work and achievements . . (5 minutes each school)
5. Section on fashions with announcers describing members doing the modeling (10 minutes each school)
6. Section on fads with announcers describing the members showing the fad (5 or 6 minutes each school)
7. Things they see into the future . . as to predictions . . including what they will be doing . . (4 or 5 minutes each school . . maybe more)
8. Their greatest concerns . . for themselves . . and for their area and country (4 or 5 minutes each)
9. There will be a section on individual students with scanned stills of them . . young pictures would be good . . or even several current . . (a little less than 10 minutes each school . . this can be controlled by the speed of the dissolve . . depending on needs)
10. Major section on San Francisco part of trip . . with my shooting video and stills . . I’ll shoot some video but I won’t spend all my time doing that . . and I’ll shoot stills . . in groups of three and four students . . and I’ll want pictures of Bee and me . . and me with her students . . and then I’ll wander with them . . and take shots . . and later I’ll include any pictures they have they can scan . . and I’ll hope they’ll be able to have a camcorder along . . (maybe 10 minutes total . . with other shots of the trip)
11. Maybe an ending section wishing best wishes to their pen pals . . (5 minutes each)
This will adjust into one tape . . This is a pretty good lay out.
· Where is says ’10 minutes,’ you do not try to shoot ten minutes. You shoot plenty . . more than that. The 10 minutes is what I’ll try to edit down to. For 10 minutes, I might need a half hour or more.
· Try to have plenty of light. Sunlight works the best, but inside will work.
· Try to get a microphone to use. The camcorder has a place to plug in a microphone. If that is not possible, be sure the speaker is speaking up loudly and the camera is as close to the subject as possible for the best sound.
· To get me enough material, it feels like you are going to need to shoot two tapes. If you could start with the first five items . . and try and finish one and then move on . . and when you have a tape completed, send it to me, and I can begin editing it into the master tape.
· The stills . . if your students could bring in pictures of them . . some younger . . but let us say we would like between 5 and 10 pictures of each kid. You can have someone scan them there or send them to me and I can return them after scanning.